Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wizards of Waverly Place The Movie: The Review

I can't believe the movie is already out and done with! It seriously seems like yesterday when I was reading on Easily Entertained and they did a post about it. I'll do the DC Dude signature review (meaning not really talking about what happened in the movie =] ).
So, I loved Harper in the movie! I was sad that she wasn't in more of it but the parts she was in were so funny. I loved her lines of "Well........bye!" and then run off. That was signature Harper!
Second, the special effects were so good for a Disney Channel movie! I wasn't expecting them to be that good. My favorite two were when Alex threw the rock onto the bridge and when the lady turned back into the parrot. That was way cool!
Everyone is such great actors and actresses in this thing! I seriously think that acting in a sound stage and then going out and acting in the open changes how someone does a movie or a show. It happened in Hannah Montana and then in this movie as well. But they still have their characters. So they change but in a really good way.
I can't wait to watch the movie again tonight with Special Effect Saturday and then on Sunday when they show clips from the new season! It's going to be awesome!
Alrighty, thanks for reading my review! I've got to go and do the uStream chat with Selena!


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