Saturday, November 28, 2009

Brooke White Christmas EP

I was browsing through the Holiday section in iTunes this week and found a Christmas EP from Brooke White. She's on of my favorite artists, and I immediately grabbed it. It only has three songs but it's totally worth it. I didn't like the cover that they had for it so I made my own.
The first song on the EP is "Away in the Manger". My cover says "Away in a Manger" only because I was listening to the song when I was making it and they say "away in a manger" in the song. It was really cool to hear a new version of this song. It's a true Christmas classic and you hardly ever hear it.
The second song is "Blue Christmas". She remakes the Elvis classic and makes it her own. Elvis is cool and all, but this song has a lot of repeating in it. This one doesn't repeat anything and is a really nice version of it.

The last song is my favorite cover and song! "California Christmas" is (I think) an original. I love Christmas songs where they sing about the Christmas in places where it doesn't snow. I lived in California for a long time, and this song is really cool.

Her voice is absolutely beautiful and pure on this EP. She's a unique artist that has an interesting sound. If you're not a Brooke White fan, you'll still love this EP. It's a great addition to your Christmas playlist!


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