Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Disney's Friends for Change: Project Green

As you may have seen on Disney Channel for the past couple of weeks, there have been commercials with Disney Channel Stars talking about Disney's Friends for Change. I checked out the website and it is really cool! You just go on, log on to the website, and pledge. Each challenge describes what you can do to be a part of this amazing project. From saving electricity to saving water, everything they suggest is easy to set into any lifestyle. As well as saving the Earth, you are also saving money by doing what they say. Unplugging things that you aren't using, carpooling, and turning off your lights when your not in the room are all easy things to do, all we have to do is start. You may also remember all the Disney Stars saying to "reg and pledge". And so am I, I, DC Dude, promise to reg and pledge to save our Earth. I will save water and electricity that will help the Earth and help my family save money for other things. I hope all of you will go to www.disney.com/friendsforchange to reg and pledge too!


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