Saturday, August 1, 2009

HSM: On Stage! Review

So last night I went with some friends to go see "High School Musical: On Stage!" and it was sooooo much fun! The cast was amazing! I loved all that they did that made it their own.
The way that Disney crafted the on stage version of HSM was very smart and just incredible. They changed Twinkle Town, the spring musical, to Juliet & Romeo and "Start of Something New" was done as a flashback instead of opening for the play. They had a couple of new character that were added as well. They had someone do the morning announcements instead of having the subtitles like in the movie. Their was even a couple of different versions of the songs too! While they had the auditions for the musical, they sang "Bop to the Top". They had the people sing that song and then they would stop and someone would audition. They had the opera girl, they guy who forgot his words, the other guy that sings really bad, and then the interpretive dancer group. Also, during the scene when the jocks and brainiacs are trying to convince Troy and Gabriella to not do the callbacks, they sang a new song called "Counting on You". It was about how each team was counting on them to win for them.

I think that the stage version shows more emotion than the film. "Get'cha Head in the Game" had a totally different feel to it. "Start of Something New" was sung by everyone and it was cool to see that everyone was feeling different and ready show their real selves.
They play was just inspiring! It really makes you want to go out and see all the movies, be in a play, and just have fun! I would recommend it to any Disney and HSM fans! I would do it again in a heartbeat!


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