Tuesday, August 4, 2009

WOWP Soundtrack Review

I listened to the Planet Premiere of the Wizards soundtrack on Saturday and I was very impressed. A lot of the songs are re-makes of 80's songs, which is pretty cool. My family listens to a lot of 80's music and it was nice to hear some of the favorites by some other people.
I think it's kind of random to have a soundtrack for a show about wizards, but the whole album is amazingly thought out. All of Selena's tracks are sung well and written amazingly. They got me even more excited for her own CD coming out in the fall. All the other songs are just sooooooo good! It's really hard to pick a favorite....but if I had to, it would either have to be "Magic" by Selena or "Magic" by Honor Society. Two completely different songs by different people. But, there are three songs with the same title and ten of the songs have the word MAGIC in the title. haha......funny but good. I can't wait for the next one (cross your fingers that there will!)


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