Thursday, October 29, 2009

Nick Jonas and the Admistration

It's true! Nick Jonas is going to do a solo album!
I was listening to Radio Disney yesterday and during the Celebrity Take with Jake, Jake confirmed that Nick will have a solo album out next year called "Nick Jonas and the Administration". They said on Radio Disney that this isn't the break-up of the Jonas Brothers, just a little project on the side that Nick is doing. But I don't believe this one bit.
Let's cut the crap people, the Jonas Brothers are going to disband in the near future. Whether the album they do together after Nick's or even five years down the road, they are going to go their separate ways as artists and do there own thing. Let's face it, Kevin is getting married and if they plan to have kids, a father can't go on a world tour with his little brothers. They are all growing up, and there is no stopping that. They will have the disband eventually and let go of what was once the Jonas Brothers. Plus, they already have enough money that they won't need to get a real job if they didn't want to.
But this won't be the end of the Jo Bros. You'll see them captaining there own studio, making young artists dreams come true. They'll end up singing on their own for a while. You may see one of them in Dancing with the Stars. One of them could go on a Celebrity Apprentice or something. They won't leave the limelight when they disband.


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